Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year 2011 (Pictures Included)

We went here for 2011`s countdown.

New year was a blast-bang-flack episode of my life. Incredible fireworks fascinated us but behind those greatness, I would never forget the crowd that made my midnight friggin' bad. My family and I went to Marina Bay Sands to welcome the 2011(countdown). Geez, tons of people came. The movement of the crowd was slow. The way I walked was like a penguin. Srsly, I was afraid that time if something bad will happen(stampede/accident). Thank God, we were all safe. We shouted like we were freaking out. Actually, everyone does(during countdown). I didn't capture those fireworks madness because my mum said that I should video the fireworks. I forgot to change the setting of the video camera to HD so my video was low quality. I wanted to upload the video here but blogger izzo slow y`know. Gosh, after the countdown, we went to the MRT station. The people were all rushing because the ride's until 2 AM. We all waited for about 1 hour just to ride on a train because of the freakin' small entrance area through that station. Some of the niggas were acting like a fool, they can`t even notice that the people were not like them? they were so eccentric. The security can`t actually handle the crowd. The guards were few. 40(security guards) out of thousands of people, can handle or not? (technically, they can handle but the security were lack of plans). On January 1(2011), we didn't go out. We just stayed at home and rest but then, we still celebrated the New Year. After January 1(`11), we attended the first Sunday Mass of the month and indeed, thank God for a new year that will give us new hopes, new dreams, new opportunities, new friends, and new blessings. My New Year`s resolutions are 'nuff for me to make a change, to explore something new and to keep in mind & heart that every challenges in our life would help us to become real. Let us don`t blame God to every problems that goes beyond our everyday life because we don`t even blame God for every satisfaction and happiness we experience in our lives. New Year is not about how we write our new year`s resolutions on a paper and keep it but new year's about how we learn how to keep our promises to ourselves. We should be strong and get ready to a new beginning that will lead us into the ups and downs of life.

New Year's Eve. (Busy bro, darn it)

views~ mum, dad, bro.

CHEERS FOR A NEW YEAR! Prosperous year <3

Views, snack food for New Year`s Eve, my dad(cool man)/mom/me.

This is called: NEW YEAR HAPPINESS :) Of course, we should welcome 2011 with a cheerful smile.

Good vibe wine. HAHA. I didn't drink tho.