Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Happy 114th Independence Day Philippines! <3

* an annual national holiday in the Philippines observed on 12 June, commemorating the Philippine Declaration of Independence from Spain on 12 June 1898. It is the country's National Day. source: Wikipedia

Sorry, late post :|

Some of my Polyvore posts [2]

Monday, June 11, 2012


My 17th Birthday Cake

Made by me(:

With my sissy(s)

Instagram Photos :]

New Year 2012

*countdown - at home only
*went to Marina Bay Sands

Christmas 2011 [Philippines]

It's the most beautiful time of the year

I know, few pictures <//3 


December 25(3 am)- We had to fly back to Sg :|  *sad, nigga.

Dec 25- back to sg 
*we went Universal Studios

P.S. I don`t know what happened to the picture quality <////3

Just Like Yesterday :]

I went back to Philippines last December 2011. I was able to meet my high school best friends(once again <3)

Uhh, and we got to hang out :] We went to the mall. know the usual. :) But of course, we had endless conversations<3 

No words can describe this moment with 'em. 

The youngest among us. HAHAHAHA. kidding.

Yanna & Joan 


I can`t wait to see them again. <3 Love y`all(":