Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Yezzir, zo cute.

SKELANIMALS <3 izzo really fun to collect these kind small toys.  I want to buy more. :D
You can buy 'em at FairPricexpress, Singapore.

some of my Polyvore posts...

Well, yeah. I love Polyvore. Hope that site will stay forever <3 HAHA!

Superbass cover by me (just the rap part)

0:56 --listen to the song 1st(superbass) :)
this is really a short cover. Because I just tried the 'rap part' of superbass by nicki minaj. :D
I made this last, last month :)
I know how to rap, somehow =))
Yea, I said some 'vulgarities/mura' here, sorry.
if you mind, check out the song first so that y`can appreciate my rap :D HAHAHA.
I`m not a gangster, ok? LOL.
I actually messed up. :-jj obvious right?! :-jj
I was fierce there, LOLJK. :P
pardon may accent here :D

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Who drew this?

My best friend(Issa) drew this. I can see the effort, so much effort yo. HAHA, chos  =))
She has patterns(our old pictures) while sketching those cute drawings. Next time, I`ll try to edit this post and I`ll insert the pictures! (:.

My 16th Birthday. [ Man, I had a startling sweet sixteen birthday ] *pictures included

I made this for my blog. This picture`s peculiar since I look so different here.
Planning an event was never so easy. I didn't plan tho. but my mum did all those and t'was successful and awesome.  My birthday was on 6th of April. I celebrated my birthday at NYDC( New York Dessert Cafe[Sg]) celebrated my birthday with my family & friend(as usual) So after school, we(my friends & I) hurriedly went to the venue. My family was already there(yeah, we were almost late) The celebration started at exact 3:30 P.M. The foods were scrumptious! I love the ambiance of the place. I felt special. HAHA, thanks NYDC.  Wanna know why?  LOL* See the pictures below. THANK YOU.  My dad even recorded a video wherein my friends were giving acknowledgment to me & to my parents. P.S. --> S-W-A-G - Something We Asians Got ;; Thank you also for the gratifying gifts, loves! (:


why my middle finger... (?!)(I was slicing the cake)

I WAS REFERRING TO THIS THING ;D My friends were also shocked. 

Y'wondrin' who are they? They`re my Singaporean friends :D & I invited one pinoy :D her name`s Faye (: My friend also (: