Friday, April 8, 2011

Grown Up 90's Little Angels

Nothing is more powerful than the memories created by a child’s experiences. The child’s memories fashion the adult’s life. Every day of adult life is touched by the memories of childhood experiences.
—RIGHT! :)
Left: Hannah
Center: Me (doesn`t look like me? ok, izz-meh)
Right: Joan
Yeaps, it`s us. My two fave cousins.
My childhood was almost perfect because of them. I`m the oldest among these two girls. Hannah & Joan;; turning 15 this yr.(`11) Me;; turning 16 this yr. (`11) They usually call me ‘Ate Jes’. Shortcut form of my name ‘Jessa’. We always needed to meet-up, for at least every 2-3 weeks. These two girls loves to sleepover at my house. Basically, we don`t sleep early as possible. We tend to talk(to infinity & beyond)much even people at home were all sleeping and all that. We seize the moment. We`ve got untold stories to share though I know they don`t do blogging. So I`m gonna share some. Our tita(s)(aunts) used to call us ‘Tres Marias’. But before that ‘naming’…we created already and it`s so-called ‘Powerpuff girls. I`m Blossom. Hannah is Bubbles and Joan is Buttercup. Hannah and Joan always argue with that two powerpuff girls.(Bubbles & Buttercup) No one likes BUTTERCUP. (as far as I know) So I told them, “who`s the youngest among us?” then Joan will answer me, “Hannah”. I replied “Okay, Bubbles is the youngest..stop debating. Hannah will be ‘Bubbles’” HAHAHA, insane moments that time. Then Joan will just say “HALA”. I remembered those times when we used to dance during birthday parties(Now? Not anymore. Too shy already), we used to sing(Karaoke) for every occasion(Hey, even we`re all grown up, we still!). We were ‘Kikay(girly)’ back then. We always plan(what to wear)… like for example:
Me: Joan tomorrow, it`s New Year already. So what will you wear?
Joan: I don`t know. How about you?
Me: I`m goin’ to wear my vintage tee. You wear skinny jeans! :) I`m gonna wear also :)
Joan: Ah. sure. I`m gonna wear my purple shirt that Tita xxxx gave to me. Hey, you bring your glossy bag also cos I`ll be bringing too :D I`ll update Hannah later :)
Me: Yea sure. :D
(Like that :D)
How great, every Christmas, our Titas and Titos will give us same gifts but different colors. I usually receive blue and I didn`t like though. We also used to tease each other. Example: Joan will call me ‘Lola’ since I wore specs before. I`ll call her ‘curly’. Joan will tease Hannah about how her voice and Hannah will also tease Joan. HAHA, too common story? :D I remembered eating ‘chicken skins’ with them & with shake :D Gosh, I freakin’ miss that :)
Mmmkay, gonna make this blog short & more organize.
More mem`ries with! :
  • I remembered our Movie Marathon during our Elementary days :D We watched the ‘Shutter’ but we didn`t look straight to the TV. We just covered our eyes using those pillows and until the movie ends. (It`s normal right? everyone does :D)
  • When she don`t have ‘nuff clothes(sleepover for 2-3 days), she borrow clothes from me since we were both tiny little girls that time. (now, she`s taller than me)
  • I used to live in Rizal before(elementary days), my house and her house were technically twins :D The space of her house & my house? Totally, no gap. (I swear)
  • I will never forget our biking moments(race!), ‘tinda’(this epic days! :) we used to sell jolens, stickers, wallets[even rainy days, we still sell]) moments. Those ‘interview session’. AHAHA. Example, I`m the reporter and Hannah`s the actress and I`ll interview her. I will record a video just to see how she came up with her speech. 
  • We were the fighters :D (for some reason) (Palaban kase kami)
  • We hated ‘maarte girls’. (HAHA, WTH. Do I need to explain?)
  • I always give her advice. (most probably, beauty tips) HAHAHA =))
  • I always share my secrets to her since Joan was not good in keeping secrets that time. (old pretty childhood times). Hannah is a quiet type of person.
  • I call her ‘bebe juu’. (LOL, isn`t cool?) *sarcasm*
  • I call her ‘bebe gie’ (Wait, I forgot how I invented that ‘namings’. They call me ‘Bebe Boo’. Wokays, isn`t nice? :?)
  • I will always recall our ‘Biking moments with biggie umbrella’. :D Weird but fun :D I remembered living in Poblacion, Makati. She always ‘angkas’ me cos she`s bigger than me, alright!
  • We tend to laugh, laugh, laugh. She always listen to my cranky jokes and she`ll be crazy all-the-way though.
  • We used to go out late at night just to buy ice-cream/slurpee at 7-Eleven even that convenience store`s far. We still need  to walk faster because the time isn`t joking. HAHA.(11: 30+ pm) I even count ‘1, 2 ,3’ so that our speed will be same :DD
  • Joan`s is a shy-type person. Every ‘Karaoke session’ :P =))  
  • Before, I always help her with her ‘Curly Hair probs’. Like, I fix her hair if I`ve got time.(elem. days)
—> We always stick together :) But now? :`| I left them :| I forgot to hug them during my depart. (Phils.-Singapore)  Srsly, I was friggin’ sad that time :(  I will always remember those good times we had, those ‘sukat times’ as if we`ll not goin’ to buy those clothes(just to take pics, y`know?) =)) 
So-much-more-stories-to-tell </3
Ako`y babawi pag-uwi ko sa Pinas <3 I SUPER FRIGGIN’ MISS THEM & I LOVE THEM BOTH <3 
My forever sisters <33