Friday, April 8, 2011

Levels Camp `11 [KOREF] -Johor, Malaysia- [Pictures Included]

Before I start my blog, gonna share some information: 
KOREF: Kahang Organic Rice Eco Farm - Located in Kluang district, Johor. It is the southern most rice farm in Peninsular Malaysia and thereby the Asia Continent. It is also the only organic rice farm in Malaysia. The farm`s total area is 120 hectares.
—> March 2, 3, 4(`11)
March 2: (Day 1)
  • Woke up at around 5:30 A.M.
  • Reached the school: 7:15 A.M
  • I just can`t seem to understand why my bag was heavy that time..then so I realized that my mum just bought 2 water bottles and put it inside my bag. 
  • Actually before camp, JingYing & I- bit can`t get over ‘bout that irksome person. We were sorta’ stressed out & all that.
  • Bus-seatmate: JingYing
  • When everything was set, we left school at around 10:30+ am.
  • We`ve got two stopovers. First was the ‘Customs thingy’ (Still in Singapore) second;; Malaysia one. Gosh, long queue at M`sia`s custom. The toilets were not that clean. I was like “No tissue?” *sighs* I wasn`t complaining though, I was like “Ohkay, no prob.” (too sarcastic, haha)
  • When we reached Johor, I kept on looking out the window…All I can see was greeny places, forests, small billboards, cars..etc. What the heck, I didn`t even rest just to see the views. What? That`s all ‘Johor’ have? But wait, after the camp, I just realized that Johor is a state. HAH. I was so demanding, it isn`t ‘Kuala Lumpur’ :D (*laughs*)
  • Reached KOREF: 1: ++ pm
  • I just wondered… “why cannot inside the bus?”, “why cannot bring gadgets?” WHY SO STRICT? Hello, traveling for about 3 hours is friggin’ long already, what? It`s hard to sit, sit & sit… without doin’ anything. Yea, I got someone to talk to but…more freedom please? K, Next bullet. :)
  • We were all hungry that time but still, we should fix our own tent first. Ayo, hot sun almost killed me. (I kid’)
  • Before we eat our lunch;; (We should learn first the ‘hungry song’, taught by: trainers/instructors) Too hungry to sing that man! and TOO CHILDISH SONG ._.
  • I can`t remember what we ate. Day 1, I didn`t taste the drink, I forgot to get. (yay!) But they said, the drinks weren`t nice :s
  • After eating(lunch) :
  1. First activity: Raft Building (The boys did those..we didn`t help ‘cos they didn`t ask for help tho.) (we just took some pictures for our grp. presentation)
  2. Second activity: Rafting (t`was fun, t`was fun. Not so challenging but I enjoyed. JingYing was so scared, the water was eerie, yea? Then Jack even made JingYing more scared to death. Dang, he ruined our enjoyment! 
  3. Third Activity: Asli Water Obstacles (I had so much fun doin’ those water activities, hah. Can`t imagine…I can balance myself not-so-easily)
  4. LAST: Night Trail (OK,OK.// Until now, I can`t figure out who threw stones while everyone was walkin’. Whoever you are, just so y`know…nice trippin’, you hit off my forehead)
  5. Around 10+ pm, sleeping time. t`was friggin’ hot sleeping in a tent, mosquitoes everywhere. Can`t sleep easily.  And some students weren`t sleepy so they roamed around. So irritating. They can`t control themselves.
March 3: (Day 2)
  • Woke up at around: 5+ am. We`re all srsly…so sleepy that moment.
  • That annoyed me;; Toilets. Morning-still dark; no lights. Most of the toilet doors were broken.
  • Had to sing ‘hungry song’ again just to have breakfast. WHAT?! ugh.
  1. Kampong((in Malaysia) a village) walk/experience:  We interviewed some Malaysians there; Living, work, ..etc.
  2. Had to write our reflections/worksheets.
  3. Then Lunch. (had to sing ‘hungry song’ again & again & again) UGHH.
  4. Next? Farming experience. (wasn`t hard tho. but the challenging part there was…’how to walk through that muddy field’. Yes, planting = easy!) P.S. my nails got ruined.
  5. Had to write our reflections/worksheets.
  6. wash-up/dinner
  7. then our class prepared/planned some songs for ‘campfire night’. We weren`t serious when doin; those campfire songs but hey, we were 3rd place after all :)
  8. I can see the stars :> Shined so brightly, very :>
  9. I enjoyed the campfire even though I really, really need to pee that time. I think that`s the best activity I enjoyed the most. :)
  10. AFTER THAT? SLEEPING TIME. (We din`t zip the tent tho., people saw us sleeping,[who cares, t`was night time]BWAHAHA)
March 4: (Day 3)
  • *yawn*, *yawn*, sleepy head.
  • wash-up
  • Breakfast
  • pitched our tent. I just realized that it`s not easy to fix a tent even you`ve got 2-3 persons to help ya’. We`re all girls(me, Nellie, YuHui, JingYing) we weren`t strong enough to pitch the tent. Thanks to Khairil for helping us :D
  • We left KOREF at around 11 + am since we encountered small prob.
  • Bus moments with JingYing, YuHui, Nellie, Kang Xing, Jack. :D Laughtrip man =)) and also the fart boy! :) HAHA, he can do fake fart moves :> using his fatty face.
  • Reached school: 1 + PM. (Back to Singapore)
THAT`s ALL :D Thanks for reading :)
*Great experience, thumbs up! (Ooops, not the foods & those toilets. yays.)