Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Golly Christmas (Pictures Included)

I really didn't expect that my Christmas here in Singapore would be uhhsome! 'cause I actually stopped 'expecting', 'assuming'...such that, it`s my one of my notes to myself; I`ll never expect too much. Since then, it worked out.

Heck yes! t`was my first time not to celebrate Christmas in my own country. Incredible, I survived!(without spending my Christmas with my fave people|relatives|) Thank God, my family were(oops, always) there :) Our 'Noche Buena' was pretty plain but half-insane. My mom didn't cook a lot of 'handa' for Christmas Eve. Instead, we went out and ate(much?) to different resto(s).

|December 24 `10| >CHRISTMAS EVE<
=>  Went to mall.
=>  Attended the 'Holy Sunday Mass' (anticipated mass for Christmas) 
Oh life, tons of people came (6, +++) |srsly|
=> 11 P.M. -- at home already. 1 hour more :> Took some pictures, as usual.
=>  facebooked so much, tweeted so much... HELLA HYPED. HAHA.
=> YM & Skype with my relatives(web cam monsters on the go, until 3 A.M.)
=> Feeling unwell (that time)

| December 25 `10 | >MERRY CHRISTMAS!<
=> My Auntie went to our house. (Gifts~all~the~way) HAHA.
=> My mum`s fridge cake was totally mouth-watering. 
=> Went to VivoCity.
=> Italian Gelato Ice cream's the best! The taste's unique.
=> Went to Sentosa (many places, I can`t name all!)
=> Watched movie: Gulliver's Travels( 3D)



Church: Old but huge Church






Christmas! Country girl, izzmeh.  :DD center(picture), don`t mind. HAHA. edited spec.

Off to 'Simbang Gabi'. (bored, waiting, blah) |my dad`s spec.|

'Simbang Gabi' outfit. (I can wear this kind of classy rock outfit, my pastime fashion)

Asian foods.

I combined the pictures b`cos 'BLOGGER' is slow(can`t handle biggie size pictures) & unstable. (based on my experience)

HEY 2011! Be nice! I wanna celebrate my Christmas in the Philippines next year :) It`ll happen. :>

2011 will be stressful yet great year for me :| :)

Thursday, December 9, 2010


I love MINTS <33

Of all the mint that I tasted, IMPACT MINTS---THE BEST :)

I swear :) :> You guys must try this out :)

I got 3 only. Actually I really love collecting these kind of stuff.

I`ll buy more. (Obviously, obsessive) :D

My fav. flavah is Peach Mints(pink one).  I don`t like the taste of the green one(lime) :|

The price? Affordable :)
Pretty much golly-wow, I`m commercializing their product. They must see this. HAHA. I kid' :)

Peach <3

Monday, December 6, 2010

Christmas Theme :)

I`ve got new theme but temporary only :)

Until: December 26 2010

Watch out for my New year`s theme. :)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Writing is my PASSION but then..... [find out] :D

Epic Title. Hehe.

Way back in 2004, I started writing bunch of essays, poems, songs and fiction/nonfiction stories. It was one of my obsession so it means, more than a hobby. I don`t know why I was into it or maybe because I`m a right-brain(The right brain is associated with artistic ability like singing, painting, writing poetry, etc.) person. And yes, I really believe...Yay! We never had a net connection at home when I was in my grade school years because my parents were so tight but then now, not really. I`m golly about that. So when I`ve got no nonexistence to do, I`d rather write in a notebook and draw some dresses. My gradeschool years were not wasted. I don`t buy cool notebooks in a bookstore instead I used those company notebooks/memo pad(free stuff/customized) given by my mum. Good thing, t`was worth it. I wrote a lot, you would`nt believe me but I was really 'aficionada' when it comes to writing. No one motivated me but everytime my parents were reading my works, they compliment me. What would I expect? hehe. Believe it or not, I wrote 8 songs with tune. I used to sing those songs that I composed and after a few months, I forgot the tune already. AHAHAHA. See I`m half-eccentric but what could`ve been. I love this quote:
"Words are the most powerful drug used by mankind". I`m good in writing than oral. Everyone should look on what`s the best for them to enhance their flair.Mmmmmkay? DD I love fashion so I loved to draw different designs of a dress.

In view of the fact that our family left Philippines, I was like a melancholic homie because all my so-called 'dear diaries' were all trashed. Gaaaah :'| Well, one of my solitary moments.

Pictures below:

I carried these along our journey through our new home/life. ( Yay, whatta phrase =)) )

The cutie one was given by besh. Great gift besh :D
The blue one was given by my dad. :DD Got 'building thingy' =)) I said so. :D (company`s free stuff :P )

This is my latest biggie notebook. :DD Thank you mum!! :) I`mma write again. :) But I pity my blog sites. :S

Edited :P So simple eh. I mean the box. :D

Sepia color. The color of the pages(inside): PINK. :D LOL.

Some of my drawings. Please judge. :D Hmm...

Lefty thang: Some prited pics. of mine
Center thang: School`s free stuff.
Righty thang: Dunno? forgot. :D Free again :)


------------------------END------------------- :)

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Manny 'PACMAN' Pacquaio bloodies Antonio Margarito to win 8th title

Texas, Sunday, November 14, 2010 — Filipino Manny Pacquiao won his eight boxing title when he battered Mexican Antonio Margarito over 12 rounds.
By the fourth round, Pacquiao had opened up Margarito’s face with a cut under his right eye. With his right eye closing up with the swelling, Margarito then saw his left eye get the same bruising treatment.
With even the television commentators calling for the fight to end by the start of the 11th round, a sporting Pacquiao started giving searching looks at the referee between punches to see if he would call an end to the lopsided fight.
“I told the referee look at his eyes, look at his cuts,” Pacquiao said. “I did not want to damage him permanently. That’s not what boxing is about.”
Pacquiao landed 474 punches to 229 for Margarito and though Pacquiao had moved up in weight for this fight, Margarito still had a 20-pound advantage over him.
Pacquiao, a congressman in his native Philippines, was only hit badly once when he took a full hit to the stomach but always had an answer to the Mexican with lightning quick combinations that were accurate.
Despite talk about a less than ideal training camp, Pacquiao still had too much speed and power for Margarito on his way to winning the WBC super welterweight championship title. Pacquiao pocketed US$15 million for the fight.
Pacquiao was a unanimous winner, scoring 120-108, 119-109 and 118-110 on the scorecards of the three judges. On one scorecard, he won all the rounds.
The only fight left for Pacquiao that boxing fans want to see is against American Floyd Mayweather Jr.

Not my blog. Thanks to redsports :D

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Yeah, I copied some posts/blog on my TUMBLR ARCHIVE. :D

ohyea. :D

hi-yuhhh. :D :&#8221;&#8220;&#8221;&gt;

I love this song.


submitted via vintagejuliets


aaah, so tired.

| Notes-craze |

What is the youngest age you can remember back to? When I was 2 y.o., I don`t lie. :)

What sports are you trying out for this year? I still don`t know. I don`t fit-in myself to any sports now.

Did you wear your hair in a ponytail today? yuh. :| Everyday. (A must-school days)

Who do you have on speed dial? hmm.. mom/dad :D (rarely)

What colors do you like to paint your toenails? Light pink & I painted my toenails already :”>

Would it be cool to learn how to DJ at a club? Lemme try. :DD

Where are you going to be three hours from now? Going to bed :)

What job would you NEVER take, even as a last resort? Those ‘ewwy jobs’, I don`t want it to be specific bec. there are hella jobs to mention. :>

If you broke your computer, would you be able to fix it on your own? Technically, maybe?

If someone looked in your closet, how would they judge your style? Simple, classic rock, randomly loved light colors :>

What was the shittiest hotel you’ve ever stayed at and why? hmm.. as far as I know, NONE.

Have you ever gone on a boat and been sick the whole time? nah.

Did you get a good sleep last night? Yuh & I was friggin’ comfortable.

What is the weather like outside? just like the normal weather I`ve been seeing the whole time round.

If someone makes a spelling or grammar mistake, do you ignore or correct? correct :) Will I spoil `em ?

Do oversized sunglasses actually look good on you? I tried.. t`was kewl. :D

What is the most overrated thing in the world? Can it be a person? >:)< Okay.. well I think.. those `clocks & watches’.. the most loved :) Time is precious nowadays:)) It`s my opinion. :D

Have you heard any completely untrue rumours about yourself lately? Yeaps. D Some says that I fake them or whatever insecurities they`ve been observing about me. :| If I fake them, I fake myself too. I obviously don`t have time to play with their childishness.

What is one word to describe your room? colorful :)

If you found a wallet filled with cash on the street, what would you do with it? I`ll be honest. NO thinking twice kiddo.

Have you ever kept something from the wild as a pet? Nahh.

What grades do/did you usually get in school? Sometimes I get very high marks & low marks. I`m not a nerd. HEHE.

What is the worst lie you’ve told and gotten away with? I don`t lie for the sake of having nice relationship to others.. I mean.. I don`t tell sweet lies. YAY/

Do your parents try to plan out your future for you? They don`t try :) They do it.

Do you think that surveys are a huge waste of time? I know right? tho. it`s not a listless thing.

Are you wearing a hoodie today? Nah.

How many songs do you have on your music player? 100+ -fewwwwww-

What is one thing you’d change about yourself? Now, I control things way too much.

What is something your parents are always nagging you about? My fuccin’ laziness.

What is the last thing you laughed about? I forgot. :|

Are you embarassed to talk about stuff with your dad? NOOOOOOOOO, He`s my dad.. I want the whole world to know. :P :D Kiddin’.. but I love my dad(SUPERRRR) :)

My Birth Month

APRILSuave and compromising.. Funny and humorous. Stubborn. Very talkative. Calm and cool. Kind and sympathetic. Concerned and detailed. Loyal. Does work well with others. Very confident. Sensitive.. Positive Attitude. Thinking generous. Good memory. Clever and knowledgeable. Loves to look for information. Able to cheer everyone up and/or make them laugh. Able to motivate oneself and others. Understanding. Fun to be around. Outgoing. Hyper. Bubbly personality. Secretive. Boy/girl crazy. Loves sports, music, leisure and travelling. Systematic.. Hot but has brains. If you repost this in 5 mins, a cutie that’s caught your eye will introduce themselves and you will realize at
you are very much alike in the next 2 days.

|W`sup, B-L-O-G T-I-M-E| (TUMBLOG;tumblr)

               Tue,Oct. 12,2010                      
How`s procrastinating everyone? I mean how`s tumblr-ing? :D
Last saturday(Oct. 09`10) My grandma arrived here(SG) at around 6:30 pm. Great time, great day & of course, a good news for us :)
I miss my grandma so much :) Know what to do? we took pictures with grandma. Hehe :) When she was walking through the hallway, obviously I first saw her then secondly, Issa`s gift for me :) Thank you very much BESH :D I so like her 2 gifts, so cute eh :”> ~Taddaa~ I`ll post later? The most gift that I really waited was… her LETTER :”> I was so teary after reading her letter for me :( [not literally I cried, I just felt so /deep inside/]
Next month, my grandma will go back to Philippines. I hope my cousin will grant my second & last favor. I will write a letter for Issa, yay.. I will reply back y`know. HAHA :P So I`m dealing to this so-called ‘old way of communicating?’ yea, kinda awkward but It`s more h.y.p.e. :) or I should say…to be different for once :) YAY!
I`m still planning what will I buy for Issa & to my snobbish cousin(HAHAHA. LOLJK) Hmmmm… |surprise sweeties| :D
I super like those ‘pinoy foods pasalubong’ from my uncle`s friend/girlfriend[hmm..which one? ssshhh] I love you |dried mangoes|, |barquillos|, |cashew polvoron, |banana chips|, ~~~& many more~~~ ‘SALAMAT’ :)
Thanks to my ‘Tito Jul & Tita Cel’ for those tons of PINS.&.CLIPS (how to use `em all?) I`m so happy for their new business on-going, all the best! :)
The fact is… People think I just chill around and just being creepy out here & there. |NO, fo’ sure| `cos it`s exam week, Hella week litto x) I`ve been trying to push those lessons to cling in my brain like a tattoo but I just can`t, maybe my stock knowledge helped me through those hella exam days. 
October is such a great month although we cannot hide those bummer vibes. I definitely hate those bad news. *sighs*
Oh, 17 days to go…. |It`s FREAKINGLY VACATION :DD| can`t waitttttt. Horrible patience x)
My dwarf pencil saved me today :) Art was not a breathtaking thing. HAHA. Thank GOD :)
Tomorrow, Mathematics paper 2 & CPA Practical. Lez see. Am still not ready. *PUPPY EYES*
I wanna buy my wants. HUHU. I`ll do it on Saturday.
>bottoms up< Last song syndrome :D

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

I need to..

I need to secure my own acc. now in every websites I`m into cuz I really don`t know what`s happening on my acc. as of now. Firrst my FOMSPRING got hacked, all my guestions & answers-ALL GONE. I don`t know why some people would just have the own thought to destroy one`s security. Playing others account: Really a mean thing to do. So puh-lease. I`m not being so 'pasikat' here or whatever negativity you see in me right now but I just want a clarity for my own sake. Now, my twitter got worsened cuz my no. of tweets-ALL GONE.  Me too, can`t believe with those fast happenings. I`m so disappointed. It`s alright at least my tweets are safe & were not really erased, just the no. of my tweets. I don`t want to prioritize my accounts in every websites I`ve been clinging on cuz I have so many things to prioritize. Bet y`know, I count on you... WHOEVER YOU ARE. We all just wanted a private life, who doesn't. KTHANXBYE.

Some of my blogs....

Some of my blogs are on Tumblr. Those blogs that were like a 'dear diary' thangg. So don`t worry I`mma post it if you want so :)

-Oh...these past few days.. Nothing great happened. I just blog a so-called 'dear diary' if t`was sorta... vast event, occurrence, experience or a phenomenon.

There are tons of random plans that I wanted to do/happen but I can`t assure myself that I`m into, doing things right away.  Some things just don`t workout or maybe I`m not too confident to handle those. But nothing`s impossible though if it`s meant for you, It is for you. :D Sometimes I don`t know why life is unfair. Yea, I`m not the only one who think this way but I never thought life must be parenthetically absurd. Although some people are just too tough enough to hold on to the things that can`t get easily. I think we must all learn the hard way & who knows..maybe someday, reality is not all about anxiousness but a great occurrence in one's life. Srsly, why my life is a cyle? Different day but I would just expect the same like yesterday unless if you expect the day to be uhh-some tho. it`s not..partially. I`m such a lazy homie. Sleep, eat, net, watch, communicate.. Life must be like this, always. Limited happiness, I could not barely understand life. Why so hot? cuz even my head starts to have global warming itself. Christmas, I really can`t wait! :-s I love holidays. I love those people who were always there to make my day golly. Some people would just read this but will just say, "A boring blog/words" I know but I can`t help it tho. :P mmmkay. -END- :D

Monday, November 8, 2010

My All-time Favourite Movie :DD

Movie poster showing a large skyscraper located next to several smaller ones. On the side of the building is a large screen, showing a man laying his head on a pillow, eyes closed and smiling. Digital text above and below the screen state "LIVE" and "DAY 10,909", with the film's title right below it. Text at the top of the image includes the sole starring credit and text at the bottom includes the film's tagline and credits.
This is really an old movie tho. t`was a remarkable & dowright movie.
If you watch the trailer of it, you`ll seek for the plot of the movie.
Way back in 1998 :D Actually I watched this movie during my kiddo times(2000`s).. I think when I was 12 y.o.
Can`t remember :|
Oh well, I`m so starstrucked to Jim Carrey. He`s a wholesome & first-rate actor :DD

Info. [BELOW]
The Truman Show is a 1998 American comedy-drama film directed by Peter Weir and written by Andrew Niccol. The cast includes Jim Carrey as Truman Burbank, as well as Laura Linney, Noah Emmerich, Ed Harris and Natascha McElhone. The film chronicles the life of a man who initially is unaware, however ultimately discovers he is living in a constructed reality soap opera, televised 24/7 to billions of people across the globe.
The genesis of The Truman Show was a spec script by Niccol. The original draft was more in tone of a science fiction thriller, with the story set in New York City. Scott Rudin purchased the script, and instantly set the project up at Paramount Pictures. Brian De Palma was in contention to direct before Weir took over, managing to make the film for $60 million against the estimated $80 million budget. Niccol rewrote the script simultaneously as the filmmakers were waiting for Carrey's schedule to open up for filming. The majority of filming took place at Seaside, Florida, a master-planned community located in the Florida Panhandle.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Badly Sweetness

I`m so badly inlove with the sweetness of cadies. <3.<3

Of all the sweets that I`d tasted, JAWBREAKERS- Backbreaking, toilsome & toughly the best for me.


Gobstoppers, known as jawbreakers in Canada and the United States, are a type of hard sweet of candy. They are usually round, usually range from about 1 cm across to 3 cm across (though much bigger gobstoppers can sometimes be found in Canadian/US candy stores, up to 8 cm in diameter) and are traditionally very hard.
The term gobstopper derives from 'gob', which is United Kingdom/Ireland slang for mouth.
Gobstoppers usually consist of several layers, each layer dissolving to reveal a different colored (and sometimes different flavoured) layer, before dissolving completely. Gobstoppers are sucked or licked, being too hard to bite without risking dental damage (hence the US title).
Gobstoppers have been sold in traditional sweet shops for at least a century, often sold by weight from jars. As gobstoppers dissolve very slowly, they last a very long time in the mouth, which is a major factor in their enduring popularity with children. Larger ones can take days or even weeks to fully dissolve, risking a different kind of dental damage.

MY FAV. :DD With diff. flavours. :)


I tried this. Ouch, my jaw :/

Ham-ham World [Billy & Bob]

Our fun to watch hamsters :)

[OMB, gayish moves. LOLJK]
[I can`t capture a perfect shot, so hard cuz they`re so fast]
[3 weeks old]
[They don`t bite]
[Roborovski hamster]

Roborovskis (Phodopus roborovskii) or desert hamster is the smallest of all hamsters, averaging under an inch at birth, and (rarely) three inches during adulthood. Distinguishing characteristics of the Roborovskis are eyebrow-like, white spots, and the lack of any dorsal stripe (found on the other members of the Phodopus genus). The average lifespan for the Roborovski hamster is three (3) years, though this is dependent on living conditions (extremes being four years in captivity and two in the wild). Another "unique" feature of the "Robo" is that they are hypoallergenic, unlike many of their larger brethren.

I tweeted that 'I want a pet'. (my wish was granted)
Although I so wanted a small bunny. Yay. Bekos I really miss my white bunny which already died. My whole life, I just wanted a rabbit as my pet tho. I had those small pets like duck, chick, hamster, kitten, & birds. To have a specific statement, I super love animals. I don`t know why :)
Must love God`s creations :) Hihi.

- - - - - - - - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - - - - - -- -
>Some pictures< [below]

Bob :D

My bro. He was fixing the hamster`s wheel.

wanna play?

Eating time.

Their comfort zone & colorul crib

Orange box[boot-shaped house] : They always hide there.
The pink ones. [from the left] : Toilet
[from the right] : Food
Silver thang : Cooling pad/area.

-their food
-anti-stress medicine
-strawberry sand for their body fragrance
-Fibre grass
-----> See how much I love those dearly hamsters.  :)

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Mind-boggling Reality

Tuesday, June 29, 2010--[I posted this on my first-page blog here on blogger then exported here on my second-page blogsite]


I see myself into dawned & steep mind. I felt knowing the longevity of one's headway thus the past kept some bemoaning point in life but see, we are still into vibrant ways to live life into the beeline. When we reached the tweaked subtly cause in life, we can't just rely on how what's in the perseverance of others. Hence, let's be aware that risk-embracing loads in your part may be the utmost to thrive the next bandwagon. Learning creativity must not about pertaining only to the person's greatness but the vibrant colors that life must see. We've hold hailed & wild expressions then why we still scarce all those refined & genuine encouragement? Seeking tremendous goals are not about molly-coddling set-ups in life even queuing up must not about fallacy, within the right mix & dynamics of people, we can build steeled vigurous nation. People can or can't be a keen one to others life because we dont mind bugging them but let them be free and keep them not freed. Reframing from loathe ideas doesn't count the aiming without blinfolds, the truth is we should bring the new, discard the old. You must not be tilt because indeed there's no wrong about perched taking. Past and present, both are trending but present must be the trend one even sometimes it's we endure quagmire situation. Keep in mind that various bits of dubious words may fail you so why can't you leave those vauguely effects? Don't waste time, Don't be afraid & sweep a strand of perspiration. Move ahead and others will be pegging their lines, they will follow you soon as long as you imparted your sentences. Clamouring voices were all old affair but they still want shiftily changes in their lives, we should open our hearts and zealously share our knowledge to everyone. I may stumble with a pangs of loss but pragmatically, my staunchest self made me hailed into the mind-boggling reality.

[I can`t explain why I wrote this kind of essay cuz maybe my mind was not yet fully occupied then. Now, my brain is randomly stuck.]

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Being VAIN.

My parents would always call me that I'm vain and the reason behind that is I'm fond of photography which makes me golly and I'm always conscious about my physical appearance. Yes, I am so vain and I accepted it through my whole life especially when I reached being a teen. I know that I'm not just the only one who's being hooked-up for being vain. Honestly, My vanity precent is not that too exaggerated. It's just a shallow vanity and I'm not keeping it as forever. Maybe I don't have any tasks to do that's why my vanity's bugging me again but it's not the reason not to touch other part of my responsibilities in my life. All girls experiences all about being vain but would they be as forever as they can? no because in fact, we all grow up and we all face problems that our time would affect all our insanity about vanity and it's reminding us to make our time gold and sort all our doings in life. I'm saying this because my mind is bugging me which sometimes it affects my heart that we all have freedom and I think I'm not abusing it and within me, I'm seriously not yet over with the word "vanity." I love myself, God gave me this kind of appearance. I'm not using my God for every situation but I'm just being true for what I believe with my utmost trust to myself.