Tuesday, November 9, 2010

I need to..

I need to secure my own acc. now in every websites I`m into cuz I really don`t know what`s happening on my acc. as of now. Firrst my FOMSPRING got hacked, all my guestions & answers-ALL GONE. I don`t know why some people would just have the own thought to destroy one`s security. Playing others account: Really a mean thing to do. So puh-lease. I`m not being so 'pasikat' here or whatever negativity you see in me right now but I just want a clarity for my own sake. Now, my twitter got worsened cuz my no. of tweets-ALL GONE.  Me too, can`t believe with those fast happenings. I`m so disappointed. It`s alright at least my tweets are safe & were not really erased, just the no. of my tweets. I don`t want to prioritize my accounts in every websites I`ve been clinging on cuz I have so many things to prioritize. Bet y`know, I count on you... WHOEVER YOU ARE. We all just wanted a private life, who doesn't. KTHANXBYE.