Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Some of my blogs....

Some of my blogs are on Tumblr. Those blogs that were like a 'dear diary' thangg. So don`t worry I`mma post it if you want so :)

-Oh...these past few days.. Nothing great happened. I just blog a so-called 'dear diary' if t`was sorta... vast event, occurrence, experience or a phenomenon.

There are tons of random plans that I wanted to do/happen but I can`t assure myself that I`m into, doing things right away.  Some things just don`t workout or maybe I`m not too confident to handle those. But nothing`s impossible though if it`s meant for you, It is for you. :D Sometimes I don`t know why life is unfair. Yea, I`m not the only one who think this way but I never thought life must be parenthetically absurd. Although some people are just too tough enough to hold on to the things that can`t get easily. I think we must all learn the hard way & who knows..maybe someday, reality is not all about anxiousness but a great occurrence in one's life. Srsly, why my life is a cyle? Different day but I would just expect the same like yesterday unless if you expect the day to be uhh-some tho. it`s not..partially. I`m such a lazy homie. Sleep, eat, net, watch, communicate.. Life must be like this, always. Limited happiness, I could not barely understand life. Why so hot? cuz even my head starts to have global warming itself. Christmas, I really can`t wait! :-s I love holidays. I love those people who were always there to make my day golly. Some people would just read this but will just say, "A boring blog/words" I know but I can`t help it tho. :P mmmkay. -END- :D