Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Being VAIN.

My parents would always call me that I'm vain and the reason behind that is I'm fond of photography which makes me golly and I'm always conscious about my physical appearance. Yes, I am so vain and I accepted it through my whole life especially when I reached being a teen. I know that I'm not just the only one who's being hooked-up for being vain. Honestly, My vanity precent is not that too exaggerated. It's just a shallow vanity and I'm not keeping it as forever. Maybe I don't have any tasks to do that's why my vanity's bugging me again but it's not the reason not to touch other part of my responsibilities in my life. All girls experiences all about being vain but would they be as forever as they can? no because in fact, we all grow up and we all face problems that our time would affect all our insanity about vanity and it's reminding us to make our time gold and sort all our doings in life. I'm saying this because my mind is bugging me which sometimes it affects my heart that we all have freedom and I think I'm not abusing it and within me, I'm seriously not yet over with the word "vanity." I love myself, God gave me this kind of appearance. I'm not using my God for every situation but I'm just being true for what I believe with my utmost trust to myself.