Saturday, November 6, 2010

Mind-boggling Reality

Tuesday, June 29, 2010--[I posted this on my first-page blog here on blogger then exported here on my second-page blogsite]


I see myself into dawned & steep mind. I felt knowing the longevity of one's headway thus the past kept some bemoaning point in life but see, we are still into vibrant ways to live life into the beeline. When we reached the tweaked subtly cause in life, we can't just rely on how what's in the perseverance of others. Hence, let's be aware that risk-embracing loads in your part may be the utmost to thrive the next bandwagon. Learning creativity must not about pertaining only to the person's greatness but the vibrant colors that life must see. We've hold hailed & wild expressions then why we still scarce all those refined & genuine encouragement? Seeking tremendous goals are not about molly-coddling set-ups in life even queuing up must not about fallacy, within the right mix & dynamics of people, we can build steeled vigurous nation. People can or can't be a keen one to others life because we dont mind bugging them but let them be free and keep them not freed. Reframing from loathe ideas doesn't count the aiming without blinfolds, the truth is we should bring the new, discard the old. You must not be tilt because indeed there's no wrong about perched taking. Past and present, both are trending but present must be the trend one even sometimes it's we endure quagmire situation. Keep in mind that various bits of dubious words may fail you so why can't you leave those vauguely effects? Don't waste time, Don't be afraid & sweep a strand of perspiration. Move ahead and others will be pegging their lines, they will follow you soon as long as you imparted your sentences. Clamouring voices were all old affair but they still want shiftily changes in their lives, we should open our hearts and zealously share our knowledge to everyone. I may stumble with a pangs of loss but pragmatically, my staunchest self made me hailed into the mind-boggling reality.

[I can`t explain why I wrote this kind of essay cuz maybe my mind was not yet fully occupied then. Now, my brain is randomly stuck.]