Thursday, November 11, 2010

|W`sup, B-L-O-G T-I-M-E| (TUMBLOG;tumblr)

               Tue,Oct. 12,2010                      
How`s procrastinating everyone? I mean how`s tumblr-ing? :D
Last saturday(Oct. 09`10) My grandma arrived here(SG) at around 6:30 pm. Great time, great day & of course, a good news for us :)
I miss my grandma so much :) Know what to do? we took pictures with grandma. Hehe :) When she was walking through the hallway, obviously I first saw her then secondly, Issa`s gift for me :) Thank you very much BESH :D I so like her 2 gifts, so cute eh :”> ~Taddaa~ I`ll post later? The most gift that I really waited was… her LETTER :”> I was so teary after reading her letter for me :( [not literally I cried, I just felt so /deep inside/]
Next month, my grandma will go back to Philippines. I hope my cousin will grant my second & last favor. I will write a letter for Issa, yay.. I will reply back y`know. HAHA :P So I`m dealing to this so-called ‘old way of communicating?’ yea, kinda awkward but It`s more h.y.p.e. :) or I should say…to be different for once :) YAY!
I`m still planning what will I buy for Issa & to my snobbish cousin(HAHAHA. LOLJK) Hmmmm… |surprise sweeties| :D
I super like those ‘pinoy foods pasalubong’ from my uncle`s friend/girlfriend[hmm..which one? ssshhh] I love you |dried mangoes|, |barquillos|, |cashew polvoron, |banana chips|, ~~~& many more~~~ ‘SALAMAT’ :)
Thanks to my ‘Tito Jul & Tita Cel’ for those tons of PINS.&.CLIPS (how to use `em all?) I`m so happy for their new business on-going, all the best! :)
The fact is… People think I just chill around and just being creepy out here & there. |NO, fo’ sure| `cos it`s exam week, Hella week litto x) I`ve been trying to push those lessons to cling in my brain like a tattoo but I just can`t, maybe my stock knowledge helped me through those hella exam days. 
October is such a great month although we cannot hide those bummer vibes. I definitely hate those bad news. *sighs*
Oh, 17 days to go…. |It`s FREAKINGLY VACATION :DD| can`t waitttttt. Horrible patience x)
My dwarf pencil saved me today :) Art was not a breathtaking thing. HAHA. Thank GOD :)
Tomorrow, Mathematics paper 2 & CPA Practical. Lez see. Am still not ready. *PUPPY EYES*
I wanna buy my wants. HUHU. I`ll do it on Saturday.
>bottoms up< Last song syndrome :D