Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Writing is my PASSION but then..... [find out] :D

Epic Title. Hehe.

Way back in 2004, I started writing bunch of essays, poems, songs and fiction/nonfiction stories. It was one of my obsession so it means, more than a hobby. I don`t know why I was into it or maybe because I`m a right-brain(The right brain is associated with artistic ability like singing, painting, writing poetry, etc.) person. And yes, I really believe...Yay! We never had a net connection at home when I was in my grade school years because my parents were so tight but then now, not really. I`m golly about that. So when I`ve got no nonexistence to do, I`d rather write in a notebook and draw some dresses. My gradeschool years were not wasted. I don`t buy cool notebooks in a bookstore instead I used those company notebooks/memo pad(free stuff/customized) given by my mum. Good thing, t`was worth it. I wrote a lot, you would`nt believe me but I was really 'aficionada' when it comes to writing. No one motivated me but everytime my parents were reading my works, they compliment me. What would I expect? hehe. Believe it or not, I wrote 8 songs with tune. I used to sing those songs that I composed and after a few months, I forgot the tune already. AHAHAHA. See I`m half-eccentric but what could`ve been. I love this quote:
"Words are the most powerful drug used by mankind". I`m good in writing than oral. Everyone should look on what`s the best for them to enhance their flair.Mmmmmkay? DD I love fashion so I loved to draw different designs of a dress.

In view of the fact that our family left Philippines, I was like a melancholic homie because all my so-called 'dear diaries' were all trashed. Gaaaah :'| Well, one of my solitary moments.

Pictures below:

I carried these along our journey through our new home/life. ( Yay, whatta phrase =)) )

The cutie one was given by besh. Great gift besh :D
The blue one was given by my dad. :DD Got 'building thingy' =)) I said so. :D (company`s free stuff :P )

This is my latest biggie notebook. :DD Thank you mum!! :) I`mma write again. :) But I pity my blog sites. :S

Edited :P So simple eh. I mean the box. :D

Sepia color. The color of the pages(inside): PINK. :D LOL.

Some of my drawings. Please judge. :D Hmm...

Lefty thang: Some prited pics. of mine
Center thang: School`s free stuff.
Righty thang: Dunno? forgot. :D Free again :)


------------------------END------------------- :)